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Ideathon Kickoff for 2023!

Written by Thread & Maple


Posted on July 13 2023

You guys have the best ideas! We know because you tell us about them on Instagram or over email. We do our best to track them all, but sometimes we're unsure of how to decide which ones other makers would enjoy most.

And that's why we've created the Ideathon! 

Now you can not only tell us all about your ideas, you can also vote on which ones should be made into reality!

How The Ideathon Works

Head on over to the Ideathon Page to submit your ideas between now and midnight on July 27, 2023. 

We've broken submissions into 2 categories: 

- New Products - This is for brand new (to T&M) product ideas. 

- Product Enhancements - This is for minor modifications to existing T&M products. 

Thread & Maple Notions Keep Drawing Ideas


What You'll Need 

Submitting is simple! All your need is: 

- A description of your new or enhanced product. 

- (Optional) A sketch or photo to illustrate your idea.

Anyone can submit! And you can create as many submissions as you'd like. We just ask that you look through existing submissions first to make sure someone hasn't already nominated it first. In case of duplicates, the person who submitted the idea first will get all the votes for both idea cards.

Get Out and Vote

We need a big poster of Uncle Sam or Johnny Canuck pointing at you saying, "We Need Your Vote!" in big bubble letters because it's true! 

We need your votes to help us decide which of these fantastic ideas should be considered for production. We want your voice heard, so get out to the polls... or, er, Ideathon Page and cast your votes today! 

Vote in the Ideathon

How the Ideathon Winners Are Chosen

Well... it's like a combination of American Idol and The Great British Baking Show.

Like American Idol, you, the voters, will spend 2 weeks voting up your favorite ideas. The creators of the 3 new product ideas with the most votes will receive a $200 CAD gift card to Thread & Maple! 

Then our esteemed Great British Bakeoff-like judges will arrive to test the ideas for fit and feasibility (that would be Sam & Olga). They will choose at least one new product and one product enhancement idea to put into production! 

Creators of the chosen products will be named Star Baker... no, that's not right 😝 Star Maker! Creators of the chosen products & enhancements will receive the first edition for free! 

It All Started With An Idea...

Do you know Thread & Maple's origin story? It all started with two friends and an idea for the Notions Clutch. A simple sketch turned into a product, and a product turned into a business that we love. 

It was an amazing feeling to hold that first clutch in our hands. And we want to share that feeling with you!



Want to Know More?Then head on over to Ideathon Page, all rules and guidelines can be found at the bottom.

We can't wait to see what you come up with! 


Sam & Olga



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