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This Mother's Day, Every Mother Counts

Written by Olga Paskalenko


Posted on May 07 2021

This Mother's Day is extra special for us here at Thread & Maple, because it's Sam's first! Sam gave birth to a beautiful baby boy just a little over a month ago. After a tough pregnancy, Sam & Shayne were thrilled to welcome baby Chet into the family ❤️

Unfortunately, not all expecting mothers are destined for the same happy ending. Did you know that in the US, a woman is twice as likely to die from birth and pregnancy complications than her mother was, a generation ago? Even though the US spends the most per capita on maternal health than anywhere else in the world, it ranks 55th in maternal deaths. It is the only high-resource nation with a consistently rising maternal mortality rate. The number of women who die giving birth in America each year has nearly doubled in the last two decades. Women of colour are 2-3 times more likely to die from complications than white women. More than half of these deaths can be prevented!

knitting project bag and self striping yarn

To show our support, we're donating $10.00 CAD of every sale of our new Confetti Cannon Bundle to Every Mother Counts. The folks at EMC work tirelessly to save the lives of moms, by helping improve access to quality, respectful and equitable maternity care in the US and around the world. What we like is that they take a community-based approach, empowering stakeholders at the local level with a focus on underserved and marginalized mothers.

Thank you for enabling us to support worthy causes such as this, by choosing our products. With your help, we hope to make a difference, however modest it may be :)

To all the fellow mamas out there, we wish you a wonderful Mother's Day! Stay safe and be well! 



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